
Tuesday 20 March 2012

The Future Mr & Mrs Khan!

One of my best friends got engaged on Sunday night! She is super stoked and I'm so happy for them.

So I've been pinning like crazy here as we're doing an Engagement shoot this weekend! I've been very inspired by lots of wonderful photos and ideas.

When she first told me though, I couldn't help feeling a little...jealous? I know, I know, but let me explain before you turn away in disgust! I've known her since we were kids (I'm older than all my close friends) and I was almost always the first to do stuff... I got a boyfriend first, got a job first and I guess because I'm older, I assumed that I would get engaged first. She's the second of my close friends to get engaged (the other is married with two beautiful girls!) and I think part of me is like... "when is it my turn?" (quite possibly an only child syndrome coming through!). I felt so incredibly ashamed that I was jealous of her; am I really that selfish?? So I decided to just stop it. Her and her fiance (Oh wow!) have been through so much tough stuff, and they've really come out the other side a lot stronger for it, so I really am happy for them! (I wouldn't be writing this if I still felt jealous, much too shameful!).

It got me thinking though, who else has felt this way? Whether it's an engagement, or a new guy, new job, or a raise? Do you feel jealous when it happens to your friends, but not you? I would love to hear, I promise I won't judge (because, hello, see above!).

So, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to pin engagement ideas! (feel free to follow me on Pinterest!)

(photo via here)


  1. I think everyone experiences jealousy to some degree. I definitely do at times and a lot of times for me is jealousy on someone that's close to me. Worst thing to feel because it can effect your relationship and sometimes ruin it. Probably the hardest thing to control too. I feel this with a few people around me. I try so hard to be happy for them, but sometimes I just can't. Probably is selfish, but what can you do?! I think creating for them is helpful.
    Congrats to the future Mr. and Mrs. Khan! xx

  2. Too true Nae, that's one of the reasons why it's important to me to not be jealous of her. Kinda nice to know I'm not alone in feeling a little jealous sometimes! :P
