
Friday 18 May 2012

A Day - Picture Today, Inspire Tomorrow

Have you heard about A Day? It's a movement to inspire with photos from all around the world.

On 15th May 2012, millions of people photographed things/places/people that were important to them. Awesome. I signed up, and took some photos from my daily life.

Check out my page here and for more info and the about page, click here.

The pics below are ones I didn't include, but ones I liked nonetheless :)

Taking these made me think though, how often do we let the little moments pass us by? Whether it's a beautiful sunset or a funny moment between dog and owner - they matter, and we should remember to appreciate them! 


  1. Great photos and what a neat project! I love this sunset photo and the one of a sunset that's on your A Day page. I also love the city bridge photo!

    P.S. Your dog is so cute :)

  2. Hey Jenn, thanks! It was so much fun to do :) Glad you liked my pics! xx
