Because the glass is always half full.

Monday, 27 February 2012

New Job & Travel Bug!

So I started my new job today, exciting stuff. Lots of names to learn, faces to memorize and things to do! It's weird, I went from knowing everything about my job and being able to answer any questions, to knowing nothing about my (new) job and asking all the questions! I hope my partner in crime (the other receptionist who I'll be job-sharing with) won't get too frustrated! It's been excellent so far though! 

Over the past few weeks though, I've been looking at travelling; not right away of course but there are so many places I want to see! Rome, Venice, Paris, London, Vienna, Prague, (all of) Canada, New York, Wales, Scotland, Greece - the list goes on! 

So here are some pics that have been seriously occupying my brain. 

above via here

 above pics by pinterest, couldn't find the author though - please let me know if you know! :) 

I've never traveled outside of Australia, and as much as I love it here I'm very much looking forward to seeing more of the world! Have any of you (who live overseas) been to Australia before? I'd love to hear about where you went, or where you'd like to go! :) 

Hope you all had a splendid Monday! 

Friday, 24 February 2012

Quote of the Day - Friday 24th February 2012

It's been an different week this week, as you know I finished up at my old job on Wednesday. This is the first time I've been unemployed for almost 4 years! It's good (it'll only last til Monday - when I start my new job).

But I have had some time to just chill out, read my book in the park, walk my dog, do some cooking (smartie cookies, anyone??) and hang out with one of my friends. I don't have a lot of friends, I have a few close ones who are very precious to me. In high school, I was the nerdy one who'd read in her lunchtime (and the one who would miss school and smoke...ahem, that's a story for another day!), but there are a few people I met there whom I'm still friends with today!

They've been there for me when I needed them, and I've been there for them too.

So I thought this quote was appropriate for today:

"The most I can do for my friends is simply to be their friend.
I have no wealth to bestow upon them.
If they know that I am happy in loving them,
they will want no other reward.
Is not friendship divine in this?" 

 - Henry David Thoreau

So, are you someone who has lots of friends? Or a few close ones? Do you tell them how much they mean to you?

photo via here.

Thursday, 23 February 2012


Well I finished up at my work yesterday! I don't think it's really hit me yet, maybe I'll hit me that I'm actually going to be working somewhere else when I start at my new job! Ha.

But, I got some lovely roses, 2003 champagne, jewelry and a nice farewell card.

Some of my workplaces have been generous like that, others not as much. Have you received gifts when you've left a company before? 

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

My Life List

It's sort of like a bucket list (but not in a morbid way!); there are so many things I want to do and see that I need to make a list!

I'm sure I'll add more but this is what I've got so far.
(In no particular order) 

1. See France, Italy, Wales, Canada
2. See the Northern Lights.
3. Take some really incredible pictures
4. Meet some fellow bloggers/photographers from around the globe
5. Do a road trip around France, Italy, Wales with my boyfriend
6. Grow my own veggies
7. Get engaged
8. Get married
9. Become a mum
10. Visit one of my best friends in Canada (you know who you are!)
11. Learn to dance (swing/salsa/rockabilly)
12. Run a marathon
13. Learn French
14. See the Louvre

Do you have a life list? I've never actually written one before but it makes me excited for the future! If you have any you'd like to share, feel free to put them in the comments! :)

Image from here.

Diana Camera Lens has arrived!

I reckon there's something truly exciting about getting parcels in the mail. Even though you already know what it is, it's still a bit like "Oh wow, it's here!". I spent my money a few weeks ago, and now I have something to show for it!

So as soon as the delivery dude walked into our front patio, Marley went bonkers, barking like the mad little pup she is. Despite her size, her bark is a tiny bit fierce and it seems to scare people off!

So, sitting on my doorstep was a little parcel and sure enough, it was my lens!

In case you're wondering, the little dinosaur was a "stow away"! Cute huh? :)

Monday, 20 February 2012

Camera Bags - which to choose??

As I will soon be a photography student/hobbyist/nut, I thought it was high time I get a camera bag for my SLR. Those black ones with the buckles and ugly straps are frankly, an eyesore (ok, maybe that's a slight exaggeration!).

Anyway, I've been searching for the perfect camera bag, and I've narrowed it down to a few.

So, fellow photographers/bag lovers, which would you choose?

In no particular order, here are the choices:

Livy Bag - Coral

Clover - Epiphanie Bags

Lola - Epiphanie Bags

Belle - Epiphanie Bags

The Brooklyn - Ona Bags

Nougat Gadget Bag - Jill-e

I hope everyone is having a good Monday, I finish my job this week! Yay!

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Weekend comfort

I had a rather lazy day today; cleaned a bit, read my book, watched some movies - it was great!

I like to spend my weekend in my comfy ripped shorts. I bought them from General Pants Co for $89.95; admittedly I'd rather have a thrifted pair, but to be honest I haven't yet mastered the skill of ripping my own jeans (give me time though! :P).

So, here's my weekend comfort outfit.

Insight Open Ended Boyfriend Blue

Animal Woven Tee $29.97

There's so many items of clothing I'd love from General Pants Co, but I think being comfortable is really important; so what do you wear on the weekends? Do you dress up? Dress down? I'd love to hear!

Hope you weekend is/will be spectacular :)

Friday, 17 February 2012

Quote of the Day - Friday 17th February 2012

Ah Friday, how glad I am to see you! It's been a busy day and an even busier week!

I'm having my work farewell tonight, and I think it will take some getting used to not going into the same place and seeing the same people that I've known for 3 1/2 years. But, I believe resigning and taking the next step towards my goals will make me that much happier, sooner.

I'm especially looking forward to spending more time setting up my portfolio, blogging, DIYing, cooking, reading and walking Marley. Geez, it looks like I'll be busy even when I'm not working! Sounds marvellous,

As per usual, here's my Friday quote. I hope you have had an excellent week, and no matter what you're doing or where you are - I hope you're happy!

"People tend to think that happiness is a stroke of luck, something that will descend like fine weather if you're fortunate. But happiness is the result of personal effort. You fight for it, strive for it, insist upon it, and sometimes even travel around the world looking for it. You have to participate relentlessly."
- Elizabeth Gilbert - Eat, Pray, Love.

(photo from here)

Thursday, 16 February 2012

It's that time of the day!

Wow, I can't believe it's almost 5pm! Today seriously flew by; I spent most of the day training my replacement and trying to finish off odds and ends before I finish up here permanantly.

However, here is a site I have been crushing on latey. Houzz. 'Nuff said.

Hope you have a lovely night, no matter what you're doing.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Date night

 Well last night my boyfriend John and I had a lovely picnic at our spot near the beach. Lucky it didn't rain, as it was pouring ALL day (and we had a blanket with the plastic underneath, score!).

I got some beautiful sunflowers (my favorites) and chocolates, mmm!

You know what I noticed though? Sometimes people get so caught up in work, that during the week they just go home and cook dinner and then do the same thing the next day (which is fine too - I like my routines!); but it can be quite rejuvenating to do something different on a work night, like a picnic or movie, or go out to dinner.

What do you reckon? Do you have a designated night when you do something different? Or do you, like me, like to just chill out at home at the end of a long day? 

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Love Day

Love is in the air today! Walking past the florist this morning were all kinds of beautiful flowers and lovely smells. I think there's a fair bit of hype surrounding Valentine's Day this year, it's been on the news, the radio, facebook - everywhere! I know some people think it's too commercial and that's totally understandable, but what it comes down to it for me is - it's fun and it makes you happy and it's an excuse to give/have extra kisses and cuddles!

So, do you have a Valentine tonight? Or are you going out with your girlfriends? Are you single/attached/married? Does it differ with different stages of relationships? I'd love to hear! :)

Whatever you end up doing, I hope you have a FABULOUS night :)

On another note, I stumbled across this adorable picture of a baby elephant from this dude's pinboard. I hope it makes you SMILE.

Monday, 13 February 2012

pic 1 of photo challenge

New shoes for a new job, right?

I've started buying some new clothes for my new job - I start in 2 weeks! I also bought a lovely pair of Diana Ferrari pointy heels, they're nude and pretty and will go with everything! 

So, here they are, with a gorgeous vintage silk scarf. From Italy. 

Oh, did I mention they were on sale?! 

Sprinkle Cookies!

My boyfriend and I are planning on going on a picnic for Valentine's Day tomorrow, and I decided to make some sprinkle cookies to add to our yet-to-be-bought feast! (I also wanted to try cooking sprinkles - doesn't the color run? Apparently not! As long as you don't cook them for too long on too high! Phew).

Anyway, I just used a cake mix (any old vanilla butter cake will do!), 1/3 cup water, 3 tablespoons of olive oil butter and spinkles. Add the sprinkles last though, and just give them 2 stirs.

So, they turned out like this. Fun. And colorful.

Truely amazing photos

These photos were the top 45 in 2011. Truely amazing, and whether they were staged or not, they captured the emotion perfectly.
Photos from here

A father mourning his son, at the 9/11 Memorial.

A dust storm in Phoenix, Arizona - July.

A girl in isolation looks through a window at her dog.

Slain Navy SEAL Jon Tumilson's dog "Hawkeye" lies next to his casket during funeral services.

 Australian Scott Jones kisses his Canadian girlfriend Alex Thomas after she was knocked to the ground by a police officer's riot shield in Vancouver.

 Billy Stinson comforts his daughter Erin Stinson as they sit on the steps where their cottage once stood on August 28 in Nags Head, N.C. The cottage, built in 1903 and destroyed by Hurricane Irene, was one of the first vacation cottages built on Albemarle Sound in Nags Head.

Photo challenge!

I have decided to take the photo challenge! I plan to take a photo every day for a year; I think it's important to do little things that remind me of my goal and make me work harder for it!

Thanks Stacie of Stars for Streetlights!

So, between now and midnight, I will take my first pic and post it. Of course I won't post every single photo for the next year (coz really, boring if you're not me! ha), but I may post them on flickr.

One of the best spots for a run!

I went for a run yesterday arvo in Sydney's beautiful national park. My boyfriend and his brother are big runners, and I decided to tag along (even though I wouldn't be able to keep up with them!). It was absolutely beautiful. Really quiet, peaceful and just an all round nice run.

I unfortunately didn't have my camera, but here are some pics of the track, Lady Carrington Drive.

Pics from here and here.

 Hope your weekend was splendid!

Friday, 10 February 2012

Quote of the Day - Friday 10th February 2012

So it's Friday again, (hello weekend!) which means that I have another quote for you. This one is actually from a favorite book, and more often than not I find myself referring to it, so I'd like to share it with you.

"The difference between a good situation,and a bad situation,
lay only in ones perception." 
- Teo (The Ancient Future by Traci Harding)

Sometimes you can find inspiration and motivation in the most unexpected places, so look around!

Below is a cute pic, which I plan to mimic in my upcoming photoshoot.

Thursday, 9 February 2012


Well, I am just beyond excited. I just bought a Diana Lens from Photojojo !

Funky old school images on an SLR? Sounds like a dream come true! Will be perfect for my first photoshoot on 10th March!

Beauty Thursday

I often scour the web for beauty treatments and fixes; being someone who has dyed blonde hair and uses "hot things" on a daily basis, my hair is usually in need of repair!

My lovely hairdresser Sofia, told me my hair has dramatically improved since I went in before Xmas.

So, here's my tips:

Loccitane hair mask
Use twice weekly after shampooing, leave in for 10 minutes.

Blackmores - Hair, Skin and Nails multivitamin
Take one daily (this is suitable for my body, read the label before you take it!)

Some tips, here. 

I also use coconut oil as a treatment as well, it's quite an amazing healer. Leave it in overnight for a nice soft hair. Check out the other benefits here.

For my unnatural blonde hair, I always use a purple shampoo and a deep replenishing mask. My hair tends to go a little yellow due to the red in my hair, so this purple shampoo tones it down a bit.

Hope this helps! :)

About Me

My photo
Hey! Welcome to my blog :) I'm a bit of a photography nut, with a passion for reading, baking and I've recently started DIYing stuff. It's fun! Have a squizz around!


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